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houses in Florida

Kizzie Fowler is the people's choice,made:


•by the people

•for the people

                Caring                                                                                     Listener


I am Kizzie Fowler; wife of Cornelius Fowler for 22 years, mom of five beautiful children. I was born in a small, tight nit town, Pahokee on the coast of Lake Okeechobee. My mother raised her four children with hard work and determination. 
In my family of seven, we value: love, respect, patience and time together.
I have an AA from Palm Beach State College, BS in Criminal justice from Florida Gulf Coast University and will recieve my MPA (Masters in Public Administration) in December 2024.  






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TARA S, 41


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   Lee County Needs a powerful                woman not afraid to

            speak up for YOU! 

Over Development       4 out of 5 Lee County commissioners campaigns are run by developer lobbyist! Time to end the corruption and protect our future.

     Affordable                   Housing  
Housing in Lee County is more expensive than ever.  More people are homeless and others spend unsustainable amounts for housing. We need access to affordable housing near where they work.  County.

Traffic Control 
Overdevelopment with planned infastructure causes gridlock on our roads. Roads that are crumbling daily.

Clean Water  Water is life. Our economy relies on refreshing clean water. Time to prioritize our water, take take action against polluters, and protect our infrastructure our rivers, lakes and ocean.

EQUITABLE RESOURCES... are the key to fixing your priorities. Without fair and equitible distribution of finances only a few priorities get fixed. I know because you told me!

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